Creditwrench-thetruth and Robert Paisola
PCMHOLDINGS.COM official press release
Our official position on this is that it must be a propaganda push by some infidel who will surely suffer the wrath of God for his preposterous allegations.
Official Propaganda Minister for PCMHOLDINGS.COM
[QUOTE=E. Normis on ranted]
Interesting the characters that read my blog. A couple of days ago I corrected a statement made in a phone recording on regarding FDCPA violations, and posted it where the website operator is a guest expert.
But here is but a small part of the incriminating evidence that shows that "E.Normis" aka "Uncle Normie" who attempts to palm himself off as "creditwrench-thetruth" and Robert Paisola of Western Capitol Management which is located in Salt Lake City, Utah are one and the same person.
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Normie's wet dream avatar
We can now easily see that the sex pervert who calls himself "Uncle Normie" at times and at other times calls himself "Creditwrench-thetruth" is not only a sexual deviate but is also most likely the convicted Robert Paisola of Western Capitol Management or is closely related to him. The evidence is overwhelming. Robert Paisola is also a pathological liar and so is this "Uncle Normie". Both are closely linked to the debt collection industry and yet both claim to have nothing to do with debt collection except attempting to be consumer advocates. The similiarities are far too close to be denied. The evidence firmly establishes them to be one and the same or one working under the control and direction of the other. So who is going to believe anything a sex pervert-pathological liar obviously bent on destroying the credibility of his competitors has to say?
sexual deviate