Monday, January 22, 2007

Robert Paisola's Quatlunatic

Robert Paisola's Quatlunatic

Rico y Suave rants on about Robert Paisola on the Quatlunatic's message board. Raving on and on non-stop is his specialty as was amply proven on PCMHOLDINGS message board where he was moderator and caused it's downfall. Notice that he keeps on raving away about Robert Paisola for several months until he realizes that his fellow quatlunatics aren't going to join in with their usual dumb commentaries.

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Robert Paisola wants to tackle your debt collector

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Rico Y Suave
Stirrer Captain of the Moolooh Martini
Stirrer Captain of the Moolooh Martini

Joined: 22 May 2005
Posts: 132
Location: Federal Witless Relocation Program

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:33 pm Post subject: Robert Paisola wants to tackle your debt collector


With a conviction for kiddie porn

and credit and insurance fraud

one would think this guy would keep a lower profile, but no.............. he is a motivational speaker working with kids (no Matt Foley), owner of a collection agency, and wants to work both sides by going after your bill collector. (IMHO) Sorta like a younger and kinkier Billie Bauer after steriods and est. A blog is devoted to him here :

Robet Paisola gets the Creditwrench Award for cajones and the Rico Y Suave interesting cat of the day. Rolling Eyes

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Rico Y Suave
Stirrer Captain of the Moolooh Martini
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:12 pm Post subject:

The amusing thing (only because it is sick and twisted) is Mr Paisola promotes himself as an inspirational speaker for kids, a montage of film here shows him working with youth. Great, wonder how he worked that in his resume after doing time in Utah for thechild porn conviction. He promotes himself as

"Robert Paisola is an international motivational speaker, trainer and author. He is an expert in the field of Personal Real Estate Investor Training. He is a professional speaker who has been featured on CNN, CNNFN, and the Wall Street Journal. He can answer your questions on the "Basics of the Real Estate Investing Business" to detailed issues regarding your specific transactions. Life Experience Robert Paisola is a Professional International Seminar Speaker in the Areas of Real Estate Investing, Tax Lien Investing, Rental Property Management, Real Estate Coach and Mentor Training and Business Management. He has served companies throughout the world. If you are interested in learning the business from someone like Rob email his office"

In his resume he includes his higher education at Trump University and is a member of the National Geographical Society. I wonder if his peeps at nude island kids in National Geographic is a violation of his parole Laughing

Rico Y Suave
Stirrer Captain of the Moolooh Martini
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:54 pm Post subject:

Apparently Robert can take time away from being an internationally known motivational speaker and real estate expert as well as former CEO of a collection agency to provide personal counsel on collection agency issues for the reduced rate of $200 a pop (less than Creditwrench)

I quote The Robert (he is a Trump fan)

6-2006 We are noticing that many of the complaints that you have are against debt collection companies. If you need additional help beyond "basic" guidance, then I am avaliable to deal with your personal issues at the reduced rate of $200.00 per issue. ( Listen to the calls at and you will clearly see that I am a PIT BULL FOR HIRE. If you are looking for an attorney to merely churn papers, then I am not the solution. If you are mad as hell and want RESULTS email me now at and lets talk. You can also visit

WOW! I feel like I never get any sleep! YOU ARE MY CAUSE! I LOVE WHAT I DO! But, Sometimes CONFLICT is necessary to PROTECT YOU. JUST GO TO THE SITE AND BE PREPARED TO BE BLOWN AWAY!!!!!!

Rico Y Suave
Stirrer Captain of the Moolooh Martini
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:09 pm Post subject:

I sprayed latte all over my monitor reading this:

"....the next day, Robert Paisola shows up at your office and all hell breaks loose! So if you have employees who are not used to an ADHD Type A Personality,,, You might want to prepare them".......

translation- If you hire this registered sex offender with an attitutde who has attention deficit disorder to tackle your debts, prepare for the mass resignations. (which would help reduce your bottom line) Laughing

Rico Y Suave
Stirrer Captain of the Moolooh Martini
Stirrer Captain of the Moolooh Martini

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Location: Federal Witless Relocation Program

PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 7:21 pm Post subject:

Update: Robert Paisola aka Jared de Hart et al. does not limit his practice to credit repair and FDCPA issues, he is also an "expert" in criminal law achieved as a criminal defendant and inmate)

Thanks to Uncle Normie at for this recent civil case against Robert Paisola

As a funny sidenote his biggest internet advocate is none other then Billie Bauer of Creditwrench fame who was a visitor here some time back

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