Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Colleage agency demands Mexican Gov't pay up.!

PCMHOLDINGS Minister of Propaganda
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Joined: March 23 2005
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Posted: July 08 2006 at 7:09pm IP Logged

All hail to our brave comrades at Burt & Associates and our Glorius Leader, Ryan. Their struggle is also of great importance to PCMHOLDINGS for the simple reason that by forcing the government of Mexico to quit being a deadbeat and pay it's bills we here at PCMHOLDINGS.COM will be much more empowered to force another deadbeat, the American Government to pay up it's foreign debt. By working together the members of the collection industry here on PCMHOLDINGS.COM could easily put an end to the world wide problem of the outrageous debts owed to other governments by the infidel American Government. Our Colleagues at National Debt Recovery Firm Burt & Associates Tells Mexico: Pay Up! It's not often that you get to tell a sovereign government to pay its debt. But that's exactly what a Texas-based financial services company is demanding of the government of Mexico. "Or as we say in our industry," says Jerry Curtis, President and CEO of Burt & Associates, "will that be by check or credit card?"



PacHealthcare.com Forums : Off Topic Discussions
Subject Topic: Best Bil-LIAR
Poll Question: Name the best Bil-LIAR
Poll Choice Votes Poll Statistics
E. Normis
2000 [33.33%]
2000 [33.33%]
DEREK 2000
This Poll now closed

PCMHOLDINGS infformation minister speech on TV 27

PCMHOLDINGS Minister of Propaganda
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Joined: March 23 2005
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Posted: August 26th 2006 at 1:09pm IP Logged

PCMHOLDINGS.COM Information Minister Lawdog has a brand new "gig" (that's entertainment industry lingo)- internet talking head for Pacific Healthcare.com! His latest commentary on the reported flaming of consumers included this, uh, curious statement: "Uncle Normie needs evidence to be submitted. Everybody talks about Cadillac Engines and the like. But the forum considers Bil-LIES and false information only." Because we all know how much Uncle Normie. believes in the sanctity of Bil-LIES and misinformation. We forget, are there enough Bil-LIES on his blog yet? Our Glorious Leader, Ryan Evans informs us that there are most assuredly not enough Bil-LIES on Uncle Normie's Blog known throughout the world as Creditrektum-thetruth.

There are no consumers, only deadbeats

PCMHOLDINGS Minister of Propaganda
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Joined: March 23 2005
Location: United States
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Posts: 805
Posted: August 26th 2006 at 7:09pm | IP Logged

"There are no consumers on PCMHOLDINGS.COM. Never! Only debt collectors and deadbeats"
"My feelings - as usual - we will make the deadbeats pay all"

"Our initial assessment is that they will all be forced to pay up"

"I blame Creditwrench - they are marketing for the deadbeats!"

"God will roast their stomachs in hell at the hands of PCMHOLDINGS and I, the mighty Lawdog."

"They're coming to surrender or be sued out of house and home."

"No I am not scared of Creditwrench, and neither should you be!"

"Be assured. PCMHOLDINGS is safe, protected"

"Who are in control, Creditwrench is not in control of anything - he don't even control himself!"

"We are not afraid of Creditwrench or the deadbeats. Allah has condemned them. They are stupid. They are stupid" (dramatic pause) "and they are condemned."

"The deadbeats, they always depend on a method what I call ... stupid, silly. All I ask is check yourself. Do not in fact repeat their lies. "

"I can say, and I am responsible for what I am saying, that they have
started to pay up under the walls of PCMHOLDINGS. We
will encourage them to pay up more quickly."

"I can assure you that the villains will recognize, will discover in appropriate time in the future how stupid they are and how they are pretending things which have never taken place and never will."

"We have destroyed Art of Credit, debtorboards, Creditwrench, Bud Hibbs, John Gliha and their shovels - We have driven them back."

E.Normis has competition as the World's biggest liar but still edges out Rico y Suave, Concerned Citizen, The-Duke-of-Prunes, Derek, and all the deadbeats who won't pay up