Tuesday, August 15, 2006


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Posted: August 15 2006 at 8:39am | IP Logged

Derek the dog wrote:
By-the-way, Bil-LIE, congratulations are in order.....

Your site has inched its way from Page 5 on Google to half way up Page 4. Obviously, you've been doing some work on it.

However, you may as well not even have a website at all since 85% of all hits are on the sites that come up on Page 1 for any Google search.

That means Normie is getting 85% of your traffic since his site sits at Position #3 on PAGE ONE for anyone Googling Creditwrench.

Go ahead, try it!

Nice detective work Derek. Now then, why did I just use "Derek the dog" ? Because like every other dog you run around sniffing everybody else's asshole when you ought to be sniffing your own first.

If you had been doing what you should be doing you would be far more worried about who gets all the traffic when all those people google for PCMHOLDINGS hoping against hope to get something besides a passel of dogs sniffing each other's assholes and howling uselessly at whatever siren that goes by or moon that peeks over the horizon.

See who is #1 on top when somebody googles PCMHOLDINGS. Of course, you are far too stupid to do that so I'll save you the time and trouble.

Then we will scroll down the page one screen and see how well http://www.pcmholdings.com is doing in google and what a few more people think of it.

Seems like the old wrench is grabbing a whole lot of the traffic for pcmholdings.com a screen down too.

Of course, you and old Uncle Normie and the dog are all well aware that everybody searches for creditwrench and that nobody ever searches for pcmholdings. After all, who wants to watch the mad ravings of you lunatics?

Like I said before fool, dogs run around smelling everybody else's assholes when they ought to smell their own first.

And I haven't even been trying to get those listings but now that you have brought it to my attention???
