Wednesday, June 06, 2007

PCMHOLDINGS Message board.

Our Glorious leader Ryan "Mitch" Evans has reincarnated the old message board at New PCM Holdings forum

Pacific Health  Care Information Minister

Already we can see that the good old days of open resistance and verbal fisticuffs are about to begin. We have become a bit bored with all the postings about miracle medicines which will supposedly cause that certain part of the male body to increase and perform better. But we have no problem with that type of advertisement because there is always the remote possibility that E. Normis Debtor and Lawdog will buy a hefty spply in order to enhance their performances which have historically not been sufficient to please our Glorius Leader to any great extent. Our Glorious Leader demands that each member perform to the highest degree possible.

It has been rumored by certain infidels that E. Normis Debtor is actually Brandon Callier of El Paso, Tx who owns a company he calls CCH CONSULTING and sells seasoned tradelines to consumers wishing to repair their credit. Of course, E. Normis Debtor has vigorously denied this allegation when accused of it on Rogues Gallery

He has also been accused of running an illegal credit repair organization on the blog cchconsulting-thetruth

Technorati Profile

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Robert Paisola, conman, exfelon, kiddie porn junkie, parole violator, prevaricator, ripoff artist, thief

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ryan Evans strikes another blow

Ryan Rattlesnake Evans photo

Our Glorious Leader has struck another decisive blow upon the infidel Robert Paisola. His first smooth move was to find a spam message board. Here is the board he chose for today's smooth move.

Ryan Evans strikes again photo

Next he dreamed up a new fake name and posted the following message on his new found message board.

Ryan Evans strikes Photo

Next he posts the announcement of his new find on his blog. A real smooth move indeed! All hail to our Glorious Leader, Ryan Evans.

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Monday, March 12, 2007

Ryan Evans smooth move for today

Photo of Ryan Evans

Our glorious leader, Ryan Evans has introduced a new ploy to help increase the readership of our forum. In doing so he brings in a new screen name which he has often used on MSN egroups in the past. Here his brilliant new character, THE DUKE OF PRUNES.

Ryan Evans brilliant move image


Ryan Evans smooth move for 03-12-2007 image

In a recent post, LAWDOG, another of our glorious leader's screen names claimed that he was actually THE DUKE OF PRUNES!

Ryan Lawdog Evans Photo


As you can plainly see, E. Normis wants you to visit World's #1 Blog about Creditwrench

Which he calls Creditwrench-thetruth. It is a name that he brilliantly lightfingered from the real owner of the domain name creditwrench-thetruth.

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

PCMHOLDINGS message board is back!

Photo of Lawdog aka Uncle Normie

Our Glorious Leader, Ryan "Mitch" Evans has decided to re-invent the wheel.

He has reached this momentous decision because of the fact that his various screen names such as "Uncle Normie", "Lawdog" and others too numerous to mention he is the victim of a vicious attack by none other than the infidel Robert Paisola who accuses him of using stolen artwork in order to attack Creditwrench CEO Billie Bauer

As most of our loyal followers already know, our battle headquarters are located at
Pacific Healthcare Services, Inc

So come and get yourself a ringside seat and enjoy the flame wars as our combatants go at it tooth and nail.

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Uncle Normie at it again

Our beloved Uncle Normie is at it again.

This time he has started a fight with Robert Paisola of Western Capital Management, Salt Lake City and Sandy, Utah.

Paisola is doing a magnificent job of defending himself and even going after Normie for his transgressions. He has set up a blog hosted on one of his domains instead of on blogger. That seems to have many advantages over blogger hosting.

Paisola may have a rather colorful past giving Normie lots of ammunition to fire at Paisola but what Normie conveniently chooses to ignore is that even those who have made mistakes do have the right to try to better their lot in life. Dragging up past mistakes has no bearing on what the future might hold or be made to hold.

Normie didn't fare well in his last battle with creditwrench to say the least and this author seriously doubts he will do anywhere near as well in his present battle.

As Paisola so correctly points out, all that Normie actually accomplished was to promote and hasten the demise of both of the message boards Ryan "Mitch" Evans of tried to maintain for the benefit of debt collectors.

His board was popular and going well until Normie started his flame war with Creditwrench CEO Bill Bauer who trounced him soundly.

This should be an interesting fight indeed so we will provide you a ringside seat in our right hand column where you can watch the blow by blow action live.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Negativity on the internet

collectman collectman is offline

Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 90
Originally Posted by peeper View Post
Giove are crooks who will do anything they can to get you to pay.Go to and you will be able to read all you need to know about these bums.There one of the worst ca around.
yup budhibbs = god

Originally Posted by collectman View Post
yup budhibbs = god
Well, he thinks he is anyway. He has added two new henchmen to his arsenal. Robert Paisola and somebody who calls himself by a multitude of different names, one of them being "Uncle Normie" or just "Normie" or quite often "E. Normis Debtor". They are as different as night and day and in fact "Normie" is busy doing a hatchet job on Paisola and doing it in bangup fashion.

Seems that Normie isn't the only one bashing Paisola either. Several more have joined in the fray. John Brewington who is a private investigator from Arizona put up several blogs blasting Paisola too. Ripoff Report, another famous negativist also lit into him as did Quatloos and many others. It seems that Paisola has not helped his own cause much either.

His multitudinous errors in life make him an easy target only making the warhawks seem more like legitimate scambusters which they are not. Like buzzards in the desert, they are doing their best to pick Paisola's bones clean while seemingly elevating their own status in life.

It would do Hibbs well to publicly disavow any association with either Normie or Paisola because the resulting flames can easily ruin him too.


Originally Posted by Snickers View Post
Well, he thinks he is anyway. He has added two new henchmen to his arsenal. Robert Paisola and somebody who calls himself by a multitude of different names, one of them being "Uncle Normie" or just "Normie" or quite often "E. Normis Debtor". They are as different as night and day and in fact "Normie" is busy doing a hatchet job on Paisola and doing it in bangup fashion.

Seems that Normie isn't the only one bashing Paisola either. Several more have joined in the fray. John Brewington who is a private investigator from Arizona put up several blogs blasting Paisola too. Ripoff Report, another famous negativist also lit into him as did Quatloos and many others. It seems that Paisola has helped his own cause much either.

His multitudinous errors in life make him an easy target only making the warhawks seem more like legitimate scambusters which they are not. Like buzzards in the desert, they are doing their best to pick Paisola's bones clean while seemingly elevating their own status in life.

It would do Hibbs well to publicly disavow any association with either Normie or Paisola because the resulting flames can easily ruin him too.
ahhh e normis debtor...what a story that read all of his postings...i visit his website frequently just to see what he's telling people to do now..

Originally Posted by collectman View Post
ahhh e normis debtor...what a story that read all of his postings...i visit his website frequently just to see what he's telling people to do now..
Have you seen Normie's new one on Paisola and his Western Capitol Management company?

Normie was also responsible for wrecking the old PCMHOLDINGS message forum with his incessant flames. There is a movie out which is part of the Google video library depicting all of the flames that went on there. Accusations of beastiality including pictures of sheep and goats and yarns about how beastiality is legal in the mideast and therefore no big deal. More yarns about how it is not illegal to smoke dope over there so that isn't any big deal either.

Those kinds of things were what caused the demise of which was owned by Pacific Healthcare which has nothing whatever to do with health care but is only a collection agency. Then when it was obvious that their message board had flopped because of Normie they tried to sell it for $20,000 then reduced it to $15,000 in private emails to collectors. Nobody wanted it at any price so they just took it off the net and put up a new board and nobody will post there either except Normie. He used to just about dominate too but has apparently disappeared from there too.

It hasn't all disappeared from the internet and it never will. Much of it is still available here*/
but none of the graphics were preserved. It took the movie to do that. Creditwrench CEO Billie Bauer was the producer of that movie.

Pacific Healthcare will never live that down because the wayback machine will have it in their archives long after there is no more Pacific Health Care.

That's what happens to those who indulge in such negativity towards others and that is going to be much more true in the future than it is now. The time will soon come when the engines will bury your listings or even completely delete them if you engage in negativity. That move has been fueled by all of the negativity towards the Bush administration. Can't allow people bashing our president for leading us into global warfare now can we?

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Robert Paisola's Quatlunatic

Robert Paisola's Quatlunatic

Rico y Suave rants on about Robert Paisola on the Quatlunatic's message board. Raving on and on non-stop is his specialty as was amply proven on PCMHOLDINGS message board where he was moderator and caused it's downfall. Notice that he keeps on raving away about Robert Paisola for several months until he realizes that his fellow quatlunatics aren't going to join in with their usual dumb commentaries.

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Robert Paisola wants to tackle your debt collector

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Rico Y Suave
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:33 pm Post subject: Robert Paisola wants to tackle your debt collector


With a conviction for kiddie porn

and credit and insurance fraud

one would think this guy would keep a lower profile, but no.............. he is a motivational speaker working with kids (no Matt Foley), owner of a collection agency, and wants to work both sides by going after your bill collector. (IMHO) Sorta like a younger and kinkier Billie Bauer after steriods and est. A blog is devoted to him here :

Robet Paisola gets the Creditwrench Award for cajones and the Rico Y Suave interesting cat of the day. Rolling Eyes

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Rico Y Suave
Stirrer Captain of the Moolooh Martini
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:12 pm Post subject:

The amusing thing (only because it is sick and twisted) is Mr Paisola promotes himself as an inspirational speaker for kids, a montage of film here shows him working with youth. Great, wonder how he worked that in his resume after doing time in Utah for thechild porn conviction. He promotes himself as

"Robert Paisola is an international motivational speaker, trainer and author. He is an expert in the field of Personal Real Estate Investor Training. He is a professional speaker who has been featured on CNN, CNNFN, and the Wall Street Journal. He can answer your questions on the "Basics of the Real Estate Investing Business" to detailed issues regarding your specific transactions. Life Experience Robert Paisola is a Professional International Seminar Speaker in the Areas of Real Estate Investing, Tax Lien Investing, Rental Property Management, Real Estate Coach and Mentor Training and Business Management. He has served companies throughout the world. If you are interested in learning the business from someone like Rob email his office"

In his resume he includes his higher education at Trump University and is a member of the National Geographical Society. I wonder if his peeps at nude island kids in National Geographic is a violation of his parole Laughing

Rico Y Suave
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:54 pm Post subject:

Apparently Robert can take time away from being an internationally known motivational speaker and real estate expert as well as former CEO of a collection agency to provide personal counsel on collection agency issues for the reduced rate of $200 a pop (less than Creditwrench)

I quote The Robert (he is a Trump fan)

6-2006 We are noticing that many of the complaints that you have are against debt collection companies. If you need additional help beyond "basic" guidance, then I am avaliable to deal with your personal issues at the reduced rate of $200.00 per issue. ( Listen to the calls at and you will clearly see that I am a PIT BULL FOR HIRE. If you are looking for an attorney to merely churn papers, then I am not the solution. If you are mad as hell and want RESULTS email me now at and lets talk. You can also visit

WOW! I feel like I never get any sleep! YOU ARE MY CAUSE! I LOVE WHAT I DO! But, Sometimes CONFLICT is necessary to PROTECT YOU. JUST GO TO THE SITE AND BE PREPARED TO BE BLOWN AWAY!!!!!!

Rico Y Suave
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:09 pm Post subject:

I sprayed latte all over my monitor reading this:

"....the next day, Robert Paisola shows up at your office and all hell breaks loose! So if you have employees who are not used to an ADHD Type A Personality,,, You might want to prepare them".......

translation- If you hire this registered sex offender with an attitutde who has attention deficit disorder to tackle your debts, prepare for the mass resignations. (which would help reduce your bottom line) Laughing

Rico Y Suave
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 7:21 pm Post subject:

Update: Robert Paisola aka Jared de Hart et al. does not limit his practice to credit repair and FDCPA issues, he is also an "expert" in criminal law achieved as a criminal defendant and inmate)

Thanks to Uncle Normie at for this recent civil case against Robert Paisola

As a funny sidenote his biggest internet advocate is none other then Billie Bauer of Creditwrench fame who was a visitor here some time back

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Creditwrench-thetruth exposes the wrench again

E. Normis
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Posted: November 10 2006 at 6:56pm | IP Logged

Not to mention the 18 questions.

Goody, more blog material de95b795393a2329ccd4f239ab9&t=1526

Uncle Normie exposes the wrench again!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

PCMHOLDINGS.COM now down to $5500. Pretty soons we will just give it away

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Ryan Evans
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Posted: October 09 2006 at 6:38pm | IP Logged

Hello All. We recently changed our business structure and we have decided to sell the entire PCMHoldings website (This entire website), for approximately 20k.

If interested, call 1 (714) 965-5950, or send send an email to



The reason we are wanting to dump our website and it's famous message board is that there is nothing of value left of it after Creditwrench has beaten up on Lawdog who is my moderator, E. Normis Debtor and Derek. I thought those clowns would do a hatchet job on CREDITWRENCH CEO BILLIE BAUER but sadly enough it didn't work out that way and now no debt collector will even come close to the place. They shun it like the plague because they don't even want to take a chance that they might incur the wrath of THE WRENCH.

So somebody please buy my website and my message board for $20,000 so I can save my Pacific Healthcare Debt collection business. I desperately need the money quickly because the doctors and hospitals have quit sending me business too and I got to pay my bills somehow.

I'm desperate and need to sell quicklybut nobody wants the damned thing so I'm going to reduce the price even more.

Hi Max,

The PCM Holdings website is for sale.

The website consists of a Debt Buyers and Debt Sellers Forum, a Discussion Forum and a Portfolios for Sale Forum.

It holds over 600 hundred industry related email addresses for sending news letters etc.

It is self maintained and the hosting is pre-paid for one year.

We currently have one paying advertiser. We have not put any time into selling ads, as we are too busy with our current project.

You can change the name and content to whatever you wish.

It’s a lot of fun. It’s great for getting clients and or and networking within the industry.

We are substantially lowering the sale price for quick sale to $5,500.00.

First come first served. If you are interested, please email me or call me.

Thank you,

Jane Madison
