Monday, October 16, 2006

WWW.PCMHOLDINGS.COM is up for sale.

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Ryan Evans
Admin Group
Pacific Healthcare
Admin Group

Joined: October 01 2003
Location: Antarctica
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Posts: 65
Posted: October 09 2006 at 6:38pm | IP Logged

Hello All. We recently changed our business structure and we have decided to sell the entire PCMHoldings website (This entire website), for approximately 20k.

If interested, call 1 (714) 965-5950, or send send an email to



The reason we are wanting to dump our website and it's famous message board is that there is nothing of value left of it after Creditwrench has beaten up on Lawdog who is my moderator, E. Normis Debtor and Derek. I thought those clowns would do a hatchet job on CREDITWRENCH CEO BILLIE BAUER but sadly enough it didn't work out that way and now no debt collector will even come close to the place. They shun it like the plague because they don't even want to take a chance that they might incur the wrath of THE WRENCH.

So somebody please buy my website and my message board for $20,000 so I can save my Pacific Healthcare Debt collection business. I desperately need the money quickly because the doctors and hospitals have quit sending me business too and I got to pay my bills somehow.

I'm desperate and need to sell quicklybut nobody wants the damned thing so I'm going to reduce the price even more.

Hi Max,

The PCM Holdings website is for sale.

The website consists of a Debt Buyers and Debt Sellers Forum, a Discussion Forum and a Portfolios for Sale Forum.

It holds over 600 hundred industry related email addresses for sending news letters etc.

It is self maintained and the hosting is pre-paid for one year.

We currently have one paying advertiser. We have not put any time into selling ads, as we are too busy with our current project.

You can change the name and content to whatever you wish.

It's a lot of fun. It's great for getting clients and or and networking within the industry.

We are substantially lowering the sale price for quick sale to $5,500.00.

First come first served. If you are interested, please email me or call me.

Thank you,

Jane Madison



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